Been a busy few months!

I’ve been drinking from the firehose this past few months, and just realized I’ve let the blog go fallow here. So, here’s a quick update of sorts, to let folks know what I’ve been up to in the past few months.

The Seething released in March, to great reviews! I’m finding that folks who read it seem to like it, and that makes me happy. If you haven’t read it yet, you can find it in all the usual places you buy books. Or your local indie book store can order it via the Ingram Spark program.

In May, I attended the annual Bay Area Book Festival with friends from my local HWA chapter. We always have a great time at that event, and this year was no exception! I was honored to have been asked to moderate the BABF’s first ever horror panel, and had a great time chatting for an hour with horror authors Nick Medina, Jessica Johns, and Francesca Maria. Listen to the recording here, if you’re interested.

I’ve been doing a lot of guest posts on various horror and book blogs. In fact, I think one of the reasons I’ve let this blog go fallow is that I’ve been writing so much for other blogs, I just keep forgetting about my own! The latest one dropped this morning, and is my list of the Best Scary Books To Bring on Vacation. You can find links to a ton of other podcasts, blog posts, etc. here on my website’s media page.

Oh! And lest I forget, the Seething won a “Readers Choice” gold medal for the Paranormal/Supernatural category in the Connections Magazine annual Readers Choice awards. I guess I can now call myself an award-winning author, so that’s pretty neat.

I guess that’s a quick wrap up for now. Stay spooky, my friends!