One Month Until The Seething Releases!

To quote Doctor Strange: “We’re in the end game now…”

My new novel of slithery monsters and small town weirdness, The Seething releases on March 23rd. Buzz about it has been pretty good so far, and I’m excited to see where this story goes.

Midsommar meets The Mist in The Seething, a slow-burn small-town tale of creeping terror and a pressure cooker of a novel from horror’s rising star Ben Monroe. Not your usual summer vacation by the lake, The Seething is irresistibly ominous.”—Lee Murray, four-time Bram Stoker Award®-winner and author of Grotesque: Monster Stories

My publisher has set me up with a number of interview opportunities lately about the book. If you’re interested, you can hear me talk a little about it with Lou Systema on his youtube show “The Writers,” and I was interviewed by Tamika Thompson on her blog.

I was also invited recently to write a little about my thoughts on creating a setting for fiction on the “Cats Luv Coffee” blog. You might get a kick out of that piece I wrote. I sure had fun writing it.

I’m doing a couple more podcasts and youtube shows before it launches, and I’ll try to collect links to all of those on the Media page of this website.

It’s a weird place, being in the last few weeks before release of this book which I’ve been working on for the last few years. I’m excited and terrified and anxious all at the same time. I sure hope folks enjoy reading the book even a fraction as much as I did writing it.

It’s currently available for preorder as an ebook. Print versions should be available soon. Amazon’s got it for $0.99 until five days after release (so March 28th, I guess). Hope you like it!

And in the meantime, I’m just getting back to work. Working on a couple of short stories now, as well as a new novel I plan to finish this year.