Subscribe to my new-ish newsletter, win an out of print Stephen King book!

Hey, everyone. One of the new self-promotional tools I’ve been playing around with is publishing an author newsletter — Making Monsters Out of Molehillsevery couple of months. I hit the ground running with people who’d subscribed to my blog/website, and gained a few new subscribers via my fumbling social media presence. I started it a few months ago, and it's going well, but I feel like I really need to kick my distribution up a notch and bulk up my mailing list.

So, I'm trying a little experiment here. I'm going to give away this vintage, first edition paperback copy of The Bachman Books, which includes his out of print story Rage to one lucky subscriber. Rage is the one thing he’s written which he’s let go out of print, and has no intention of ever letting it be printed again. It’s getting harder and harder to find copies of that book, and has become sort of the Holy Grail of King fans. If you’ve ever wanted to read that story, this is your chance.

What do you need to do to enter the drawing to win this book? Simply sign up to get my newsletter, and in the July issue I'm going to randomly pick a winner from everyone who's subscribed at the time. If you’re already subscribed to it, you’re already entered in the drawing. And who knows? If this works, I might do more drawings like this in the future.

Good luck!

Sign up here: 
