Monsters, Movies & Mayhem

Super excited to announce I’ll have a story in this upcoming anthology Monsters, Movies & Mayhem!

It’s an anthology edited by Kevin J. Anderson and a cabal of students in his publishing classes, and I couldn’t be happier to be involved. The call for stories asked for the center of the venn diagram of that crazy title, and I just couldn’t resist the topic. My degree was actually in Film Production, and I did a little work in the film industry before turning to writing. So this story gave me a chance to use a little of my real-world film experience which was nice.

My story “Vinegar Syndrome” is a riff on the idea of a “monster movie.” But instead of it being a movie about a monster, I wondered what would happen if the movie itself was the monster? You’ll have to read it to find out. From what I understand, the book should be out this summer, and I’ll post links to order as it gets closer.
